Friday, November 07, 2014

I was the first one to nominate C. J. Huff for education commissioner

The Joplin Globe broke the story (nearly two weeks after I first wrote about it) that C. J. Huff wants to be the next Education Commissioner for the state of Missouri.

In the Globe article, Huff said he had been told by state officials (he had closed door meetings with State Board of Education President Peter Herschend two weeks ago ) that someone had nominated him for the position.

I am sure that if that was what Herschend told him, he probably was not referring to the first person who nominated C. J. Huff for that lofty position.

That person was me.

I printed my letter to the State Board of Education in the September 15 Turner Report:

Dear State Board of Education:

Though I realize that the impending retirement of Commissioner of Education Chris Nicastro was only announced an hour ago, I believe I can save you the trouble of conducting a search for a replacement.

Forget about any of her assistants, even my former teacher and former Webb City R-7 Superintendent Ron Lankford, who is currentlyassistant commissioner and is working right there in Jefferson City.

Don't look for a new commissioner in your backyard.

Please find your replacement in my backyard.

Take C. J. Huff.


Joplin is not a selfish town. We love to share our heroes with the state, the nation, and the world. We recently shared Mark Rohr with Texas.

This will also help .C. J. since he can use a state jet to arrive in style at his speaking engagements. We can help make the transition easier by measuring him for his throne before he leaves Joplin.

And though I know bribery is against the law, I am willing to give each of you a crisp $10 bill if you will take him off our hands. Excuse me, I mean give him this job he so richly deserves.

Let C. J. Huff do for the state of Missouri what he has done for Joplin.

Thank you for your consideration.

Randy Turner


Anonymous said...

That letter brings tears to my eyes. CJ has gravitated toward politics and away from education since the beginning. He belongs in the land of make believe, and self worship. He has my vote...the fat little prick.

Anonymous said...

You know Turner, your attempt at humor is exactly that, an ATTEMPT. I get on here from time to time just to see what type of nonsense you are writing about and I do have to admit, you have not disappointed me. But your vendetta has gone on long enough. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what you are doing. It's called sour grapes, getting revenge, giving back, etc. I know you can probably trace this IP address and you know who I am. Our history with each other go way back. So I know how you operate and what goes on in that "brain" of yours. Your blog has changed so much. I will admit that at one time several years ago, it was entertaining and thought-provoking. But now.........

Anonymous said...

2:48 pm

He sounds pretty funny to me. If you want an example of sour, read your post.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping he'doesn't stay in Canada.

Anonymous said...

This is 5:56 and that is supposed to say: I was hoping he'd stay in Canada. He goes there all the time now.