Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Amendment 3 going down by a wide margin

Amendment 3, which would have eliminated teacher tenure and forced school districts to base teacher evaluations on student standardized test scores, is being voted down by a wide margin all over the state.

With 205 of 3,329 precincts reporting, more than 77 percent of voters, 66,219, have cast "no" votes, with only 18,781 voting yes.

At this point, not only has Amendment 3 not won any counties, but it has not even come close.

The vote totals for Jasper County and surrounding counties have not been posted on the Secretary of State's website at this point.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I thought long and hard about Amendment 3, because while I think K-12 teacher tenure is an abomination, the judging of teacher by test results is obviously a bad thing.

But yesterday before I went to the polls I decided that subjective judgments by the current and likely future generations of not very moral administrators is worse. We only have to look at the Huff regime for an example of this.

Anonymous said...

judging a teacher by test results is not a good thing but tenure had kept many teachers in a job that were terrible teachers I had a biology teacher in high school that was just terrible he let the jock go soak in the whirlpool during his class and all test were open book so almost all made an A or B then when I went to PSU I had to have a tutor in my biology class cause I did not have a clue..the teacher was eventually moved out of a classroom and taught drivers ED his last 20 years till retirement. Tenure was the only reason he kept his job

Anonymous said...

True tenure may keep horrible teachers around but standardized testing is not the answer. Upper administration in the school districts should be held accountable for what is going on in class rooms. The problem of bad teachers is not going to be solved with testing. They only thing that will help that is more involved parents and peers.