Monday, September 15, 2014

Right to Farm Amendment win upheld in recount

(One of the things I most detest about politics is how misleading names are attached to everything, such as StudentsFirst for a an organization that is doing everything but put students first. Another case is Missouri Farmers Care, which essentially pushed the also misleadingly named Right To Farm Act, which should have been called the Right to Run a Large Corporate Farm And Do Whatever You Want Act. This is the news release Missouri Farmers Care issued this morning after the completion of the recount on the Right to Farm Act.)

With the recount complete, Missouri consumers and farmers are once again victorious. The Aug. 5 election results in favor of Amendment 1, the Missouri Farming Rights Amendment, have been upheld.

"The voters have spoken and the votes have been counted - twice," Missouri Farmers Care Chairman Don Nikodim said. "We knew it was highly unlikely the election outcome would change following a recount and that is exactly what happened. Though we appreciate the diligence of the Secretary of State's staff and the hard work of county clerks, it is unfortunate HSUS wasted taxpayer dollars on this futile effort."

Counties and local election authorities have completed the recount and submitted their results to the Office of the Secretary of State. Secretary of State Jason Kander has recertified the election results.

"This is good news for anyone who eats," Nikodim said. "Thanks to our supporters, agricultural organizations and farmers for their hard fought efforts in passing this constitutional amendment. Now Missouri farmers can move forward with providing a diverse food supply without the threat of out-of-state activist groups impeding our state's number industry."

A detailed recount breakdown is available


Anonymous said...

Out of state interests my arse! This was a waste of time for "all" concerned! We already have the right to farm, this only allows big corporate ag to pollute and not be accountable to anyone they infringe upon! Sorry bunch of deceivers who played on rural peoples ignorance!

Anonymous said...

Sorry not ignorance, simply fear and deceit !