Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Joplin R-8 Board- It's Shawn McGrew 4-2

By a 4-2 vote, the Joplin R-8 Board of Education selected Shawn McGrew to replace Dawn Sticklen until the April election.

The special board meeting began with interviews with McGrew and three other candidates, Jeff Koch, Jennifer Martucci, and Lane Roberts.

After discussion, the board narrowed the selection to McGrew and Koch, both of whom ran unsuccessfully in April.

A motion and second for McGrew were offered by Mike Landis and Randy Steele, with Board President Annie Sharp and Lynda Banwart joining them.

Voting against McGrew were Debbie Fort and Jim Kimbrough.

McGrew was sworn in, the meeting was adjourned, and the board went into closed session.


Anonymous said...

Seems to me if Fort and Kimbrough were against him then he is going to be caught in the huff and puff scandals! It's for the kids remember......or not! It's all about the money

Anonymous said...

Very disappointing decision by the board, especially considering that Mr. Koch had higher voter support than Mr. McGrew in the April election. If the decision was narrowed down to the two candidates that had previously ran, shouldn't the candidate with the higher vote count been given preference since that represents the choice of the voters - the parents and taxpayers of this community?

Anonymous said...


The old board members don't care what the public wants. I'm guessing they are part of the crimes and are not able to buck CJ. I guess if the patrons don't like what they got then they should recall them. But I doubt they will. They'd have to act.

Anonymous said...

What a pack of losers. CJ can keep running all over the country now without fear. Guess even Humphrey and his big buddies can't do anything about them.

Anonymous said...

Anne Sharp just sealed the deal for her next election. It'll be a cold day in hell before I ever talk to her again. I'll sure as hell not vote for her.

Anonymous said...

As Shawn's friend, I'm happy for him*. As an employee of the district, I'm extremely disappointed and somewhat amiss at just how out of touch they have allowed themselves to become. The end of the Huff regime can't come soon enough.

*I'm happy in that he is a genuine and caring person who is in over his head and taken very bad advice. He should have never subjected himself to this especially at this time. I hate to see someone I consider my friend ruin any chance at future involvement with the Board because of such poor timing. Given different leadership and circumstances, Shawn could have been a very thoughtful and effective Board member. Such as it is I expect him to fall in line and end up voted out with little chance of ever restoring a semblance of a reputation.

Breaks my heart really.

Anonymous said...


Apparently your friend who is so kind doesn't believe in paying his fair share of the bill. He has no leadership skills that we need here. We have enough crooks already.

Anonymous said...

That would be the smart thing to do