Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Amendment 3 backers will not push measure for November

The war is far from over, but Missouri teachers won a big battle today.

Teach Great, the Rex Sinquefield-funded group that has been promoting Amendment 3, announced that it will no longer be pushing the measure, which would eliminate tenure for Missouri teachers and require that their evaluations be based on students' standardized test scores.

Unfortunately, the amendment will still be on the November ballot and others may step forward to fight for it between now and then.

“While we still believe in the measure wholeheartedly … we will not be moving forward with Amendment 3 this year,” Teach Great spokeswoman Kate Casas said in a written statement.

Casas had spent several days traveling around the state, including visits in Kansas City last week, to promote the amendment and its reform ideas.

The proposed amendment will still appear on the ballot. It seeks to end tenure and require that decisions around the hiring, promoting, firing and laying off of teachers be determined by at least 51 percent on student performance measures.

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/government-politics/article2045735.html#storylink=cpy


Anonymous said...

I'd like to think they got a clue. They backed this garbage in OK and KS and made a mess. Still don't trust them and figure there must be some ulterior motive.

Anonymous said...

I received a phone call from Missouri's NEA president, Charles E. Smith. His message stated that Amendment 3 is alive and well. The folks who have been pushing this amendment are lying to trick people into not voting against amendment 3. Could you please look further into this and help spread the word. Thanks